Vodimo li računa o ''biblijskom nalogu'' koji nam je dat ? ''I uzevši Gospod Bog čoveka namesti ga u vrtu Edemskom, da ga radi i da ga čuva'' (1. Mojs. 2,15) Do we take care of the "biblical order" that was given to us ? "The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it" (1. Mojs. 2,15)

About the project

The aim of the project ‘’Inventors who changed technical world’’ is to research scientists in the field of technical professions, especially electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. It is thanks to the discoveries of scientists in the field of technical professions that such a rapid development of technology has taken place today. Technological progress has made todays life easier for people. Technology is the main source that enables the development and growth of the economy.
The eTwinning project is directed at secondary school students aged 14 – 19 to promote inventors and to encourage students to see the importance of technical professions. Based on collaborative work between schools, they will prepare presentations, questionnaires, drawings, essays, games, quizzes etc.


To increase awareness of the importance of inventors in technical professions,
To understand the importance of creative thinking,
To develop ICT skills,
To develop language skills (speaking, reading and writing),
To develop collaborative skills working in group,
To develop creativity,
To enhance ICT activities to communicate effectively,
To use foreign language outside the classroom,
To share personal experiences and opinions,
To develop a research spirit.


1.-31. October
Creating working groups between schools. Getting to know each other.
1.-30. November
Creating project logo. Researching inventors in all partners countries. Creating digital materials about them and their innovations.
1.-31. December
Choosing project logo. Creating questionnaires and quizzes about inventors and their innovations. Presenting digital materials and playing quizzes.
1.-30. January
Creating detailed digital material about one innovation that is relevant for the curriculum of student’s vocational subject and sharing it into common poster.
1.-29. February
Research the bond between important innovation of the inventor and technology development. Crating digital material about that research.
1.-31. March
Creating games about research. Presenting digital material of the research.
1.-30. April
Students will be innovators and they will show influence of inventors.
1.-31. May
Presenting digital material, creating common e-book. Evaluation. Dissemination


To be aware of the importance of innovations into our lives,
To be aware of the importance of others opinions and ideas,
To improve ICT skills,
To improve language skills,
To help others’ learning,
To make new friends.

Keep Calm and Go Solar

About the project

Fossil fuels have, and continue to, play a dominant role in global energy systems. But they also come with several negative impacts. When fossil fuels are burned, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the air. Greenhouse gases trap heat in our atmosphere, causing global warming. They are also a major contributor to local air pollution, which is estimated to linked to millions of premature deaths each year. As low-carbon sources of energy nuclear and renewable, become readily available, the world needs to rapidly transition away from fossil fuels.
The aim of the project “Keep calm and go solar“ is to encourage students to think about how they can contribute to reducing global warming.
This project is directed at secondary school students aged 16 – 19 based on cooperative work between the schools, they will prepare presentations, games, etc. and finally work will be the common book.
The project should lasts from 16. October until the end of May.


Encourage students to explore and think about solar energy. Familiarizing students with the work of solar cells, wind turbines, water power etc.
To develop digital and technology-based competences,
To develop literacy,
To develop multilingualism,
To develop cooperative skills working in group,
To develop Interpersonal skills, and the ability to adopt new competences,
To develop Active citizenship,
To develop cultural awareness and expression.


A1. October Creation of international working groups. Tools (Blogger, Symbaloo).
A2. October Deciding the dissemination plan for sharing good experiences. Tools (Padlet).
A3. October Getting to know each other. Tools (Voki).
A4. November Presentations of our school, city and country. Each international group create a common presentation using the tool (Genially)
A5. December Logo contest. Each participant should propose a logo for our project and vote for the best. Tools (Canva, Desygner, Befunky, Kizoa, Shotclip, Video Tool Box, Twin poll)
A6. February Ask students to think about how COVID-19 might help us win the fight against climate change. Tools (Genially, Prezi, Microsoft Sway, H5P etc.)
A7. March Ask students to present the potential of renewable energy in their country. Tools (Genially).
A8. April Final activity, Presenting a work and writing a common book using MadMagz.
A9. Video-conference (Adobe Connect), Evaluation and Dissemination. Create a common project presentation.


Increasing student’s awareness about the importance of switching to renewable energy sources.
Getting to know with the work of photovoltaic cells, wind turbines, waterpower etc. To be aware of the potential negative consequences of climate change and what to do in order to mitigate those consequences.
To improve digital and technology-based competences,
To improve literacy,
To improve English language,
To improve Interpersonal skills, and the ability to adopt new competences,
To improve cooperative skills working in group,
To make new friends,
Final product will be a common book MadMagz and public Twinspace.


About the project

We now know that man-made climate change is real and that it poses a great threat to the planet and its inhabitants. Current data suggest that we need to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions in developed countries by at least 80% by 2050 in order to have a chance of staying below an average temperature rise of over 2°C . Factory farming is a major contributor to the climate change challenge, releasing vast volumes of greenhouse gases.
It is our desire, that by implementing this project, we will influence students’ awareness of thinking about the possible consequences of climate change and how they can contribute to mitigating those consequences.
The eTwinning project is directed at secondary school students aged 13 – 19 based on cooperative work between the schools, they will prepare presentations, questionnaires, drawings, essays, games, quizzes etc. and finally work will be the common book.
The project should be lasts from 16th October until the end of May.


To introduce students to the possible negative effects of climate change and how to combat it to reduce these effects,
To develop digital and technology-based competences,
To develop literacy,
To develop multilingualism,
To develop cooperative skills working in group,
To develop Interpersonal skills, and the ability to adopt new competences,
To develop Active citizenship,
To develop cultural awareness and expression.


October A1.Creation of international working groups. A2.Deciding the dissemination plan for sharing good experiences. A3.Getting to know each other. November A4.Presentations of our school, city and country. Each international group create a common presentation using the tool Genial.ly. December A5.Logo contest, each participant should propose a logo for our project and vote for the best. January A6.Causes and consequences of climate change. Ask students to make a presentation related to this topic. February A7. What would you do, to reduce the effects of climate change. Ask students to make a presentation. March A8.Ask students to make a game using Learning Apps. April A9.Final activity, Presenting a work and writing a common book. Each international group write the following articles for the common book: 1) About the school, country or city 2) About the climate change causes and consequences. 3) About the mesures to reduce the climate change. May
A10.Videoconference, dissemination.


To be aware of the potential negative consequences of climate change and what to do in order to mitigate those consequences,
To improve digital and technology-based competences,
To improve literacy,
To improve English language,
To improve Interpersonal skills, and the ability to adopt new competences,
To improve cooperative skills working in group,
To make new friends.
Final product will be a common book MadMagz and public Twinspace.





One of the main outcomes of the Rio+20 Conference was the agreement by member States to launch a process to develop a set of Sustainable Development Goals. One of these goals is Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. We decided to launch a new project, relying on these goals.
The main goal of this project is to encourage students to think about how they can contribute to achieving sustainable habits.
The eTwinning project is directed at secondary school students aged 13 – 19 to promote sustainable habits. Based on cooperative work between the schools, they will prepare presentations, google questionnaires, drawings, essays, games, quizzes etc. and finally work will be the common book.


To understand the importance of sustainable habits.
To develop ICT skills,
To develop language skills (speaking, reading and writing),
To develop cooperative skills working in group,
To develop creativity,
To enhance ICT activities to communicate effectively,
To use foreign language outside the classroom,
To share personal experiences and opinions,
To develop a research spirit.


October – Creation of working groups. Deciding the dissemination plan for sharing good experiences (Symbaloo). Getting to know each other (Biteable, Padlet). November – Presentations of our school, city and country (Genially, Microsoft Sway, H5P). December – Logo contest (Canva, Desygner, Tricider) January – Sustainable tourism. Positive and negative effects of tourism. Students should present the tourist places they visited and indicate the positive and negative effects of tourism at that location (Genially, Microsoft Sway, H5P). February – Examples of using renewable energy in the environment (Genially, Microsoft Sway, H5P). March – How to take advantage of waste to produce energy? Investigate the Technologies. Ask students to provide examples of waste reduction in their country through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse (Genially, H5P). April – Final activity Presenting work and writing a common book May – Video-conference, Evaluation, Dissemination.


To be aware of sustainable habits,
To use the good habits in their lives,
To improve ICT skills,
To improve language command,
To help others’ learning,
To make new friends.


The aim of the project ’’Where there’s a will, there’s a way’’ is to encourage students to think about how they can contribute to reducing energy consumption and to get rid of existing unsustainable habits. In addition it is important that students wonder where the energy they consume at home and in the school come from and how it is produced as well as investigate other possibilities for sustainable living.

The eTwinning project is directed at secondary school students aged 14 – 19 to promote rational use of energy. Based on cooperative work between the schools, they will prepare presentations, google questionnaires, drawings, essays, games, quizzes etc.


To increase awareness of the importance of switching to renewable energy sources,
To understand the importance of rational use of energy,
To develop ICT skills,
To develop language skills (speaking, reading and writing),
To develop cooperative skills working in group,
To develop creativity,
To enhance ICT activities to communicate effectively,
To use foreign language outside the classroom,
To share personal experiences and opinions,
To develop a research spirit,
To relate the effects of electrical energy and its conversion capacity to other energy manifestations.


16-31. January Creation of working groups. Deciding the dissemination plan for sharing good experiences. Getting to know each other. Presentations of our school, city and country. 01-28.February Sustainable habits survey. Videoconference. 01-31. March Designing a slogan to raise awareness of the importance of energy saving. 01-15. April Where does the energy you consume at home come from? Investigate how it is produced. 16-30. April Check your energy consumption bills and your carbon footprint. Share it with your project partners, compare it and draw conclusions. Do they come from renewable energy sources? If not, could you replace them with renewabl ones? How? 01 -15. May What did you do in your school and your city in order to increase energy efficiency? Share your ideas about reducing energy consumption. 16-23. May Final activity, Students must include into QR code everything they have previously made and set up codes on poster. Videoconference. 24-31.May Evaluation. Dissemination.


To be aware of sustainable habits,
To use the good habits in their lives,
To improve ICT skills,
To improve language command,
To help others’ learning,
To make new friends.

The results from online survey

rezultati onlajn upitnika

Energy bills & Carbon footprint

Carbon footprint based on annual emissions from the previous 12 months. The electricity consumption data was read from the electricity bill.

Carbon Footprint

Final work – Common poster



Sve uređene države sveta već su različitim merama regulisale upotrebu štedljivih sijalica tako da su one obavezne u svim javnim zgradama, za njihovu kupovinu daju se značajne poreske olakšice, dok postoje države poput Australije, koje su potpuno zabranile prodaju klasičnih sijalica. U našoj zemlji, nažalost, nema nikakvih poreskih olakšica ili stimulacija za njihovu kupovinu, a statistika kaže da bi korišćenjem samo jedne štedljive sijalice u svakom od 2,5 miliona domaćinstava Srbija godišnje uštedela 16 miliona evra. Štedljiva sijalica košta oko 350 dinara, dok je za običnu, potrebno izdvojiti nešto više od 25 dinara. Na prvi pogled se to čini kao bespotreban trošak, ali kada se sve stavi na papir, očigledno je da su uštede velike. Uporedimo klasičnu sijalicu od 100W i štedljivu od 20W,  jer emituju istu jačinu svetlosti. Radni vek štedljive sijalice iznosi oko 8000 časova, što znači da će ona u toku svog radnog veka potrošiti oko 160kWh električne energije. Ako uzmemo da je prosečna cena struje oko 4 dinara po kWh, to znači da će energetski štedljiva sijalica u toku svog radnog veka potrošiti električne energije u vrednosti od 640 dinara. Kada na to dodamo cenu sijalice, dobijamo da cena osvetljenja za 8000 sati iznosi 960 dinara. Klasična sijalica sa usijanim vlaknom od 100W ima rok trajanja od 1000 radnih sati i pod pretpostavkom da je zaista kvalitetna i da će izdržati svoj radni vek, za taj rad će potrošiti 100kWh električne energije. Za rad od 8000 sati, poput štedljive sijalice, biće nam potrebno 8 klasičnih sijalica, koje će za to vreme potrošiti 800 kWh el. energije, što iznosi 3.200 dinara. Kada na to dodamo cenu od 8 sijalica, prosečne cene od oko 32 dinara, ukupna cena osvetljenja iznosiće 3.456 dinara za 8000 sati.

15.5   Zaključak je da je energetska, a samim tim i finansijska ušteda evidentna u toku eksploatacije energetski efikasne sijalice i da se uložena sredstva vraćaju u proseku za oko 12 meseci, što je čini daleko boljim izborom, na duže staze, od standardne sijalice.

Gradska kuća u Novom Sadu jedan je od dobrih primera kako energetska efikasnost funkcioniše u praksi jer je uvođenjem standardnih sijalica ostvarila značajne uštede energije i novca. Oznaka energetske efikasnosti elektronskih aparata Prema Zakonu Evropske unije, svi novi električni uređaji i aparati za domaćinstvo, koji se na tržištu Evropske unije prodaju, iznajmljuju ili kupuju, moraju imati oznaku energetskog razreda, koja pokazuje prosečnu potrošnju električne energije pri korišćenju uređaja i aparata. Oznaku energetskog razreda obavezno moraju imati sledeći uređaji i aparati: Električne mašine za sušenje, kombinovane mašine za pranje i sušenje veša, mašine za pranje sudova, električne peći, klima uređaji, sijalice. Nalepnica nam pomaže da napravimo PRAVI izbor pri kupovini, jer sadrži informacije o potrošnji energije i kvalitetu rada uređaja. Skala energetskih razreda prikazana je strelicama sa slovnim oznakama od „A“ do “ G „, pri čemu su strelice različite dužine i boje. Energetski razred „A“ označen je strelicom zelene boje koja je i najkraća. Duža strelica znači i veću potrošnju energije. Energetski razred konkretnog uređaja prikazan je SLOVOM na širokoj strelici crne boje sa desne strane skale energetskih razreda. Potrošnja električne energije iskazana je brojem ispod skale. Energetski razred „A“ označava uređaj sa najmanjom potrošnjom, odnosno, energetski najefikasniji uređaj, dok energetski razred “ G “ označava uređaj sa najvećom potrošnjom energije, odnosno najmanje energetski efikasan uređaj. Potrebno je zapamtiti da je energetski razred „A“ bolji od “ B „, “ B “ bolji od “ C „, “ C “ bolji od “ D „, “ D “ bolji od „E“, „E“ bolji od “ F “ a “ F “ bolji od “ G „. Slovna oznaka energetskog razreda prikazana je sa desne strane slike koja prikazuje energetsku efikasnost uređaja.Danas neki uređaji, najčešće frižideri, zamrzivači i njihove kombinacije, imaju oznaku i „A+“ i „A ++“, ili „AA“ i „AAA“ koja stoji pored strelice za razred „A“. To znači da su od donošenja zakonske obaveze u Evropskoj uniji sami proizvođači poboljšali energetsku efikasnost iznad one koja se zahteva propisima. Kvalitet rada uređaja, na primer, kvalitet pranja kod mašina za pranje veša i sudova i broj obrtaja rada prikazani su tako|e slovnim oznakama. Potrošnja vode i buka pri radu prikazani su brojevima. VAŽNO: Ako uređaj ima nalepnicu, ne znači i da ima i malu potrošnju električne energije. Izaberite uvek uređaj sa slovom „A“ ili što bliže slovu A – u alfabetu. Uostalom, prvo smo i naučili da kažemo slovo „A“! Na osnovu nalepnice možete napraviti najbolji izbor i zanovac koji ste namenili za kupovinu uređaja dobićete najviše.


  Izborom aparata koji imaju „Energetskuzvezdicu“ možete potrošiti i do 70%  manje električne energije i time uštedeti i energiju, i novac. Energetski razredi ove grupe uređaja su označeni istim slovnim oznakama kao i mašine za pranje veša i sudova i imaju isto značenje. Od 1999. godine standardi u Evropskoj uniji za ovu grupu uređaja su pooštreni, tako da je zabranjena prodaja uređaja koji imaju energetski razred niži od „D“, odnosno mogu se prodavati samo uređaji energetskih razreda „A“, „B“, „C“ i „D“, a uvedeni su i energetski razredi  „A+“ ,  „A++“ i “A+++“.

Geotermalna energija

Reč geotermalna potiče od kombinacije grčkih reči geo (zemlja) i therme (toplota). Geotermalna energija odnosi se na toplotu Zemljine unutrašnosti koja u samom središtu dostiže temperaturu između 4.000 i 7.000 °C što je otprilike jednako temperaturi površine Sunca. Čak i nekoliko kilometara ispod površine, temperatura može biti preko 250 °C. U principu, temperatura poraste za jedan stepen Celzijusa svakih 30 – 50 metara dubine nezavisno od lokacije. Ova toplota se može koristiti u vidu pare ili tople vode i upotrebiti se za zagrevanje objekata ili proizvode električne energije. Najpraktičnija za eksploataciju geotermalne energije su područja gde se vrela masa nalazi blizu površine naše planete.

Geotermalna energija je obnovljivi izvor energije jer se toplota neprekidno proizvodi unutar Zemlje različitim procesima. Na prvom mestu je prirodno raspadanje radioaktivnih elemenata (prvenstveno urana, torijuma i kalijuma), koji se nalaze u svim stenama i proizvodi ogromnu toplotnu energiju. Osim radioaktivnim raspadom, toplota u Zemljinoj kori se stvara i na druge načine: egzotermnim hemijskim reakcijama, kristalizacijom rastopljenih materijala i trenjem pri kretanju tektonskih masa.

Kada je u pitanju geotermalna energija stena, današnja tehnologija je ograničena na dubinu bušenja do 10 km, i samim tim je moguća eksploatacija do tih dubina. Ako se računa sa većim dubinama ta je energija višestruko veća. U neposrednoj budućnosti i do časa kada bude ostvarena tehnologija koja će omogućiti iskorišćavanje ove energije, ostaje kao energetski izvor samo hidrogeotermalna energija. Nje ima mnogo manje, ali je njena tehnička upotrebljivost velika, kao i ekonomska opravdanost eksploatacije.

Ukoliko se računa sa iskorišćavanjem do dubine od 3 km, rezerve hidrogeotermalne energije su oko 2.000 puta više nego rezerve uglja. Najveći deo nosilaca energije ima temperature niže od 100 °C (oko 88%), a tek mali deo ima temperature iznad 150 °C (oko 3%). Procenjeno je da zalihe geotermalne energije daleko prevazilaze energetske zalihe uglja, nafte, prirodnog gasa i uranijuma zajedno.

Prednosti korišćenja geotermalne energije su:

  • Korišćenje geotermalne energije uzrokuje zanemarljiv uticaj na životnu sredinu, i ne doprinosi efektu staklene bašte,
  • Geotermalne elektrane ne zauzimaju mnogo prostora i samim tim malo utiču na životnu sredinu,
  • U pitanju je ogromni energetski potencijal (obezbeđuje neograničeno napajanje energijom),
  • Eliminisana je potreba za gorivom,
  • Kada je geotermalna elektrana izgrađena, energija je gotovo besplatna, uz manju lokalnu potrošnju,
  • Mogućnost višenamenskog korišćenja resursa (utiče na ekonomsku opravdanost eksploatacije).

Nedostaci korišćenja geotermalne energije su:

  • Nema mnogo mesta gde je moguće graditi geotermalna postrojenja (uslovljenost položajem, dubinom, temperaturom, procentom vode u određenom geotermalnom rezervoaru),
  • Ograničenja obzirom na sastav stena i mogućnost pristupa i eksploatacije,
  • Izvor toplotne energije može biti iscrpljen usled neodgovarajuće eksploatacije,
  • Prisustvo opasnih gasova i minerala predstavljaju poteškoću prilikom eksploatacije,
  • Potrebne visoke početne investicije (početak korišćenja i razvoj) i visoki troškovi održavanja (izazvani korozijom, naslagama minerala i dr.).

Jedan od najzanimljivijih oblika iskorišćavanja geotermalne energije je proizvodnja električne energije. Tu se koriste vruća voda i para iz Zemlje za pokretanje generatora, pa prema tome nema spaljivanja fosilnih goriva i kao rezultat toga nema niti štetnih emisija plinova u atmosferu, ispušta se samo vodena para. Dodatna prednost je u tome što se takve elektrane mogu implementirati u najrazličitijim okruženjima, od farma, osjetljivih pustinjskih površina pa sve do šumsko-rekreacijskih područja.


